Among the four Stupas of Patan, the southern mound is known as Lagan Khel Stupa or Lagan Thura Stupa. It is the largest among the four, measuring 47.40 meters in diameter and 11.80 meters in height. The mound is crowned by a recent structure, a miniature cenotaph added on the top. The shrines of Tathagatas were presumable added in 1878; even as others were added to the eastern mound in 1846.An inscription tell us that on the western Stupa the Tathagatas were already in place by 1455.
This Stupa is located about 200 meters east of Tyagal Tole of Patan near the Eastern ring road. This Stupa is comparatively bigger than the other two Stupas in perimeter. The perimeter of this Stupa is 75.83 meters and height 10.4 meters. It has fire Vedica of height 1.6 meters with one Tathagata in each direction. The dome of 4.5m in height is paved with firebricks. A square shaped Harmika enshrines the dome. No pre 18th century inscription can be found on the structure. There are three stone inscriptions led in the Vedika. Two inscriptions are completely damaged and not legible and the one inscription left by the Tathagata Ratnasambhava is hardly readable.
This Stupa is located just at the roadside of Pul Chowk Bus stand on the west end of Patan. The perimeter of this Stupa is 75.52 meters and height 12 meters. It has firebrick Vedika of height 1.2 meters with one Tathagata in each direction. The dome that is 6.5 meters tall is too paved by firebrick. It has no Harmika. The thirteen rings Cakravalis are constructed directly over the dome in square shaped pyramid structure. A Yasti is placed is on the top of the spire with a parasol.
This Stupa is comparatively more complex and smaller than other three Stupas. This is similar in structure of Svayambhu Mahacaitya in Kathmandu. It is nearly circular and has a perimeter of 60.62 meters. It has five Buddha in the Vedika with their consorts except the Tathagata Vairocana. It has a Vedika of 1.5 meters and dome of 5.5 meters in height. A square Harmika is constructed over the dome with 13 steps Cakravali and a parasol.
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